At first glance this individual may be seen as a creepy criminal that you find jerking off to child pornography. But no, he is a hero - a hero that is going to jail. I sincerely hope he does not serve time for his crime. He barged into his neighbors apartment with a sword after hearing shrieks of a female's voice. He reportedly thought that a woman was being raped so - "dah da dah da!!" I will rescue her and maybe she will repay my pathetic ass by sleeping with me. I can't read minds but just look at him thats what he was thinking. Of all things to enter the house with why did he enter with a sword? Phallic I think, prob trying to show off. What was he gonna do? pull a greyhound bus decapitation? eek too soon?
He found his neighbor watching porn and jerking off. After the hero swept the apartment and found no distressed princess he left. His neighbor pressed charges and got him arrested - potentially facing up to 33 months. Damn shame. I just wondered why he got the law involved and in turn the press - now everyone knows how much he likes to jerk it to weird rape porn. Gross dude. Your a turd. Read the full story by clicking the title.
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